

Do you have nutrition facts for your caramel?


Nutrition Facts

Yes! We have had our caramel analyzed at a top lab to ensure we have the most accurate information, and we were surprised to see that our caramel is truly a guiltless treat!

Do you use preservatives or coloring?

Absolutely NOT! Our caramel is hand stirred with 3 main ingredients: Goat Milk, Organic Cane Sugar, Whole Flavors (Cinnamon Sticks, Vanilla Beans, Cocoa Powder) and we add Baking Soda to make the caramelization process more consistent.

Sugar is a natural preservative and our year long shelf life is solely due to that being a primary ingredient!

What is your shipping policy?

We have a standard shipping fee that is calculated at checkout. If you have large orders please contact us directly.


We can ship within the United States.


If you would like to place an international order please contact us directly.

is your carmel sauce gluten free?

All of our Caramel is Gluten Free. These are not yet certified but we are working on labeling and certification.

How do I order bulk or wholesale?

We offer discounts and customizations for weddings, special events and restaurants. Please contact us with specific inquiries.

We work with restaurants, retail shops, and grocers directly and do not work with distributors. Please send us an email if you would like to carry our product.

Can we visit your farm?

Our farm is where we reside and we do not have scheduled tours of the animals or property. If you have any questions about our farm or farming in general please don’t hesitate to call or email us.

We like to post a lot of photos of our farm and animals on social media, you can follow us on Instagram.

Any other questions?

Please send us an email if you have any other questions.